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IkerConsulting European and Regional Innovation SL

P2L2 Study Visit in Torino

Last 20th to 22nd of February P2L2-Public Policy Living Lab project Partners (Interreg Europe) met in Torino (Italy) during a Study Visit hosted by Regione Piemonte.

During the first day, the participants had the opportunity of analysing the Piemonte regional innovation ecosystem as well as the R&I policies, and regional good practices for industrialization and innovation. During the panel debate participants met representatives from regional clusters and governance available for an open discussion and present the best practices of the region.

After the panel debate, the Steering Group Meeting took place, in order to discuss project management, communication, as well as content related issues, including a working session briefing the Regional Action Plans to be presented during the Interregional Dissemination Event.

The second day will focus on networking between relevant stakeholders from various organizations from different sectors specialized in aerospace and advanced materials, such as research organizations (Politecnico di Torino), laboratories (Turin Additive Lab) or productive companies (Thales Alenia, Altec).

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